Thursday, August 14, 2008

So far, so good.

As far as I know, I've had no new contractions since Tuedsay, which is fantastic. Last night I actually slept for a few hours :) My friend Jen visited me yesterday morning and Misty and Christian at lunch and my friend Maria and her husband in the evening. I have tons of books and movies... my laptop and DS, and tons of design stuff to do to keep me occupied most of the time. I still wish I was in my bed with Christian and the kitties. I'm hoping that if the contractions stay quiet, they'll let me go home at some point. I obviously have a lot more time to keep up with the blog, so I'll probably have daily updates.


Mary Kate said...

Praying that you bake those babies a little bit longer & hopefully can have some 'at home' bedrest!!! Best of luck!!

Ben and Cori Momma said...

Thinking of you and sending lots of prayers to those babies! I can't imagine how scary this is for you but I know you are in the very best of care. Rest up now- your life is soon to get wonderfully crazy!
Beth (Pgh Nest)