Monday, July 27, 2009

More fun!

We attended our first first birthday party on Saturday in Erie. It was for Gianna, who's family became dear friends of ours during our NICU experience. We stopped in at the Erie zoo beforehand and really liked it. It's great for kids. Unfortunately when we stopped back after the party, it was pouring down rain so we missed a good bit. We did get a chance to ride the train and the carousel, which we all loved. We will for sure stop back again next year.

It was great to see Gianna and her parents. I'm just sorry that we left without getting a photo of all of us together! The girls played on the swings in the park and of course, just laughed and laughed. We also got to hang out with neighbors of ours at the NICU and their daughter Delaney. The girls enjoyed sharing toys with her and snacks. I guess it was really our first "play date." I also met a friend of Gianna's who visits my site all the time. She was so happy to meet and see the girls in person after reading about them online. It made me wonder how many people we don't even personally know visit the site. I just looked up the stats and we've had 17,901 hits since our blog went up. That's really cool!

The girls are now playing together and it is beyond cute. They laugh and talk to each other in their cribs. Yesterday they were both giggling as they were playing tug of war with a toy. Oh, and mirrors! They can't get enough of seeing themselves :)