I received a call from daycare on Friday that Madelyn was running, tripped and smacked her head HARD off of a table. When I picked her up, she had a horrible egg and black and blue mark but was acting fine. I woke her once that night just to make sure there were no signs of concussion. Saturday night she started squinting like she either had a headache OR was trying to focus. Sunday this continued and she started having a fever and slept the entire day. I called the pedi, thinking that the fever was irrelevant, but I really didn't feel right about the eyes. She told me it was completely up to us and we decided to take her to the ER. 5 hours later she was diagnosed via chest xray with Pneumonia. I am so used to her having fevers that I would have never taken her in after one day of fever. And while I thought her breathing was a little labored, I figured it was from the fever.
So, we left with no head x-ray and yet another antibiotic. Miss Mady has been on antibiotics basically non-stop for the last several months due to ear infections. This kiddo seriously needs a break. And so do mommy and daddy. Even though she's with Grandma and Grandpa today, I had a horrible time leaving her. When your child is sick, you just want to hug and comfort them!
Meanwhile, I was going to call the nurses today to ask about Emma because she has had a cough for several weeks that just recently changed and she coughed up some mucus yesterday. Tomorrow, we're taking both girls in. Hopefully Mady won't need any breathing treatments and hopefully Emma doesn't have it as well.
We need a quick recovery because cousin Eli's first birthday bash is this weekend!