I know, it's been awhile since I've posted pics and I also have some video I need to put up. Just have to find the time to do it!
The girls are now on their 3rd week of sinus infections. They started on one antibiotic and it wasn't working, so they are now on another. I feel so bad for them - they are always sniffling. And it has meant not getting to have play dates with their younger friends.
They girls are eating all adult food now and love it. Not sure what their faves are, as it differs day to day. They love grilled cheese, grilled and rotisserrie chicken, pasta, peas, and squash. We managed to stay away from breaded chicken until our visit to PF Chang's this week. And of course, they loved it.
Emma is now able to stand and pick up objects while maintaining her balance. She can take about 3 steps when only assisted by one of us with one hand. Mady is practicing standing more and loves to use the walkers we have... especially the shopping cart. They are both are starting to point and Mady points at everything she sees and says "wass tha"? Very cute.
They are both sort of sporadic with sleeping through the night at this point and I truly blame it on the sinus infections/colds. They have been going to bed at night with no issues 6/7 nights, which is great! I think all that crawling at super speeds and trying to stand/walk is exhausting.
They love music class, which we started a few weeks ago. We all sing along and the girls get to play with maracas, drums and bells. We also get to dance and they get to hang out with the other twins (2 boys) in the glass as well as 2 other little kids.
We took them for a hayride this weekend and they loved it. I think this weekend, we'll head to another to pick some pumpkins and see the animals at the petting zoo.