Wednesday, February 24, 2010

1200+ hits

Since January 1, we've had 1200 hits to our site. I'm still amazed by how many people want to read about us ;) Hopefully this will keep me motivated to keep posting and posting more often. My goal in this blog was to help others with Endometriosis, Infertitlity and/or Multiples not feel alone and to hear it straight from a mom! My other goal was to document as much as possible about our family and these little girls that are growing up way to fast. I have a forgetful mind and I even beat myself up now about the things that I can't remember, like who got their teeth first and when. I wish I could remember to post everything, everyday, but this blog is about a twin mother who works full-time, does freelance work and owns her own business.

I wanted to say hi to those of you that I don't know or that I don't even realize keep up on us. Let us know who you are and why you visit this blog. Maybe it will help me in posting. If you have public blog you'd like to share, please do. If you'd like me to add you to our links on the side, I'd be more than happy to. I'm also accepting ads for a very nominal fee - if you have anything baby/toddler/multiple related! I'm especially interested in momprenuers like myself.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

March for Babies

It's time again to start raising money for the March of Dimes. If you follow my blog you know our story and why the March of Dimes is so important to us. PLEASE walk with us this year and show your support for our girls. If you can't join us for the walk, you can donate whatever amount you are comfortable with. I'd love to beat our $750 raised last year.

Help us raise awareness and raise money so that every family can know the joy that Christian and I do.

Click here to sign up or donate.