Monday, May 12, 2008

Hello 2nd trimester!

Well, I guess technically the 2nd trimester is 13w3d, but I'll celebrate now! I KNOW this will be the week I start to feel better! I had my monthly OB/GYN check today and all is good. My blood pressure and weight are on target. I've gained ALOT of weight so far, but with twins they suggest about 50 lbs by the end, so I guess I'm doing good! Everything is moving up and my belly is moving out. Our chances of Downs is 1:1800 which is a great number. If you don't get screened they lump you in at a 1:270 chance. We go back in 5 weeks for another ultrasound and this time I will have video!

13 weeks:
Fingerprints are formed, their veins and organs are visible through their thin skin and the bodies are starting to catch up with the heads. They are about 3 inches in length at this point and weigh about an ounce each, about the size of a peach. Their intestines have now moved from outside the body to inside the abdomen. Their vocal cords are now developing. When I poke my stomach gently and they feel it, they will start rooting (act as if they are searching for a nipple). If there is a girl in there, she now has approximately 2 million eggs in her ovaries.

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