Friday, June 13, 2008

Great OB visit today!

She found the heartbeats almost immediately, which is not always easy with twins. I've gained about 16lbs, which seems crazy to me, but she wants me to gain 30-40lbs. by the end. That puts me right on target. My blood pressure is good and low as usual.

Our ultrasound next week will measure my cervical length. They'll keep an eye on this by having me go for ultrasounds every 4 weeks. I LOVE that I'll get to see them that often. It also will give them opportunity to make sure both babies are developing as the should be, etc. If the cervical length shortens too soon, that's when I'll know if I need to be on bed rest and it will help us keep an eye on when these babies might come into the world.

I was very relieved after the appointment since it's been a few weeks since I've seen or heard our lil' ones!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Loree, I'm so glad that your appointment went well! Aren't the hbs just the best sounds in the world?? I could seriously listen to that sound all day.