Saturday, June 21, 2008

Our Lil' Angels!!

Here's some video of our ultrasound today. It was soooo cool. Everything looks great. They are both measuring about the same and right on target for 18.5 weeks. We successfully avoided finding out their sexes. The ultrasound technician turned off our monitor when the time came. Christian asked the nurse if everything was "okay" down there, and it is :)

We got to see the four chambers of the heart, the kidneys, stomach, feet, hands, spine, brain, eye lenses and even the lips! The entire ultrasound was over an hour. They also measure my cervix, and everything looks good. I had a minor cervical surgery a few years back that *may* cause me problems, but so far everything is perfect! They'll keep an eye on this for each of my monthly ultrasounds. The heartbeats were both at 130. If you believe old wive's tales, then it would seem like 2 boys. However, my gut now says one boy/one girl. We'll see in November!

At :50 in, you can see two dark spots. One is the heart, the other the stomach! At 1:25 in, you can see both babies, B on top, A on the bottom. At 2:50, you can see one of the babies moving it's arm/hand about. I'm sure this is all very hard to make out without explanation, but still pretty cool!


Palm Tree Mom said...

Wow, that is incredible!! Thanks for sharing that with us.

Kelly (KAG061876)

Unknown said...

Isn't it the most beautiful picture in the world? Well, it is right now, until you actually see them, then every picture you take is the best one!

we love you all!

Love and hugs,