The girls are still having trouble with reflux. Emma is eating less every feeding and they are both struggling with eating at most feedings. They are still on Zantac. We tried the oatmeal in the bottles but can't seem to get a consistency that will come through the bottles for them. It either comes through too fast or too slow. The "y" cut cereal nipples are too big, as they are meant for older babies. I think I may try rice again today.
Madelyn is smiling more! It's so cute. We are all very excited about getting out of the house on Thanksgiving to have dinner at my parents with my brother and Angela. Unfortunately, we can't visit with anyone else, but at least we get out :) I can't believe it's already going on 4 weeks that I've been home with them!
Loree- The girls are just so cute!! I hope you can find the right combo on the oatmeal/rice/nipple thing. It takes a little time to find the right combo but once you do they will be so happy!
I didn't use those nipples, we sanitized needlepoint needles and made our own holes that were smaller than the y cut. It works! Also never lie them down flat. Buy a wedge that goes under them when you change their diapers and when they sleep. We also had to give Josh Beladonna, it numbs the tummy a little so they can eat without discomfort. A tiny drop made all the difference. Call me if you want, Josh had reflex worse than any child EVER at our doctors office. He's 13 and still has it!
Marsha (your cousin) 478-953-5045
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