Sunday, December 21, 2008

Our longest stretch yet.

Wow, keeping up with posts is getting harder and harder. Last night the girls went from 11pm - 4:45pm between feedings! We're getting closer and closer to a peaceful night here and there. The bad news though... Emma, for the second night in a row, spent almost 2 hours crying. We try to take her up to the crib and put her down and she just loses it. Friday night, I laid with her on the floor and that calmed her down. We fell asleep together, which I will not do again. I'm too afraid of co-sleeping. Last night, nothing would calm her. Finally, she let out a couple of horrific screams and just tired herself out and feel asleep in my arms. On the flip side, Emma has been smiling alot more. She's definitely caught up with Madelyn in that respect and they are both smiling at us and we even get a tiny giggle here and there.

We met with the developmentalist on Wednesday. The girls are eligible for weekly services, so every week and developmentalist and an occupational therapist will come in and work with us. The girls are doing great. They are right on target with a 1 month old (their adjusted age) and are even hitting some of the 2 and 3 month milestones. There are a couple areas we need to work on, such as their feedings (they aren't increasing what they eat) and things like starting to grasp at toys. Since that meeting, they have started grabbing at their toy rings/rattles and even holding on to them for a few seconds.

1 comment:

Ben and Cori Momma said...

Congrats on the progress the girls are making! Slow and steady wins the race... sometimes Cori needed to "fuss" herself to sleep by screaming too- work out that excess energy. Though I wouldn't wish 2 hrs on anyone... yikes! Merry Christmas to your entire family!!