Sunday, February 22, 2009

Latest on Madelyn

The dermatologist said that in most cases, a liver hemangioma is only present if there are 5 or more hemangiomas on the skin. However, she wants the ultrasound done since the pediatrician felt something odd with her liver. That appt is Thursday. She also gave us the number of a plastic surgeon to see for a consultation regarding having her shoulder hemangioma removed. I couldn't get in for 3 weeks, but I'm going to call Monday and check for cancellations and to stress that she is in pain. The derm doesn't know if the surgeon will want to remove it or not. She's curious about what he'll say. It really hurts her and we can tell she seems to be using that arm a little less and doesn't like to bear weight on it when on her tummy. I'm a little nervous about her liver, but I'm sure all will be fine. They both go back to the NICU the end of March for their 6 month check up and we can't wait to show them off to then nurses that took care of them!

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