Friday, May 15, 2009

Well, we made it 8+months...

and the first week of daycare, Madelyn got sick. Granted, we've been very lucky. Going 8 months with no illnesses is pretty good. Madelyn had a fever when I picked her up on Tuesday from Grandma and Grandpas. They said she was pretty whiny all day and just didn't seem right. That night her fever hit 103 and the next day she still had one and was very tired and just not herself. We took her to the doctors only to have him tell us that it's probably viral. The only thing we are to watch with Mady is the way she is acting, not so much the actual fever. Fatigue and her not acting like herself can indicate one of her internal hemangiomas bleeding. This morning she seems to be 90% and no fever! Hopefully, Emma will not get sick. We had to keep them out of daycare this week, which meant time off work for both of us. I only get 3 paid sick days per year, so hopefully the girls will remain healthy. Being a new mommy, I had no idea that a baby can a fever for days without it being treated with anything other than Tylenol or Motrin. I also didn't realized that it can be 103 and it doesn't overly concern the doctors. I know what I feel like with a fever that high and it's not fun. We're very glad that Madelyn is almost back to her normally "smiley" self!

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