Thursday, March 4, 2010

Use your words!

My preemies are now 18 months old! How did this happen!?

I thought I'd take note of the latest words and phrases we've heard the girls say on their own or hear and repeat. Emma talks and sings all the time with so much inflection, it's hysterical. Mady will watch your mouth so intently while she tries to figure out how to make those same sounds.

Bird, Hi, Bye Bye, Mama, Dada, Up, Diaper, Cat, Bath, No

Bird, Hi, Bye Bye, Mama, Dada, Up, Cat, Mady, Baby, Bath, Pap-Pap. We swear she repeated back to us "put that back" and then said "shit"!

1 comment:

MoDLin said...

Ah, those little angels are like sponges. They soak up everything they hear and then, usually at the most embarrassing time, squeeze it back for you! Sounds like the are doing really well.