Friday, February 29, 2008

Transfer day and great news!

We had our transfer this morning. The embryologist was so happy to come in and share good news with us. Out of the 11 fertilized, we had the following: 8A, 8A, 8B, 8B, 8B, 6B, 6C, 6C, 6C the others stopped growing. So with the doctors recommendation, we transferred 3 and froze 3. She'll wait a few days to see how the C's do to decide if she'll freeze those as well. So if for any reason this cycle would fail, we still have one more shot. And if it is successful, we have a chance for a sibling!

The number represents how many cells, the number represents the grade of fragmentation. We have never had such good quality. Those 8A's are the best of the best! DH's sperm count and motility went up as well. The doctor that did the transfer thinks that removing the endometriosis from my ovaries may have helped with that quality improvement. I think my new acupuncturist has probably helped with that as well.

Everyone today was wishing us luck and just so happy for us and our improvement. DH practically did a cartwell when we left. I can't imagine how he'll be when I actually give birth :)

So now we wait and pray and hope!


Maria (MKC101103) said...

Sticky babies stick!!!

Best of luck to you sweetie!!

Jill said...

Best of luck to you! I hope you get a sticky BFP this cycle!!

MNjen said...

Those embies are GREAT quality! Lots of good thoughts and prayers for a sticky BFP for you!