Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I'm Strong Enough - Thank You

Everything you go through that is hard makes you stronger, right? Guess what? I'm strong enough! No more, please?! I'm now going through my 3rd official breast infection since I started pumping for the girls 6 weeks ago. I went to the ER last night with a 103.3 fever. I spent the night tossing and turning between sweating and having chills. I had to call in sick to work again today to rest and make sure I keep this infection at bay. They did an U/S last night and saw no abcess, which is good. I was told to call my OB/GYN this morning. I'm so scared that she's going to ask me how important breast feeding really is to me. It's important for 2 reasons... 1, my girls really need it...being preemies they need the antibiotics in breast milk. 2, I really want to be able to breast feed with them and have that bonding time. My cold is still here and I woke up with a scratchy throat again. I did get to stop in and see the girls after my ER visit last night. I didn't get to enjoy it too much because my fever was so high and I couldn't stop shaking from the chills. I was so happy to see them though after not seeing them since Friday. They were sound asleep, so I'm not even sure that they knew mommy was there :(

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