Friday, February 6, 2009


Yep. You read right. Slept. Through. The. Night. Didn't wake up once. Not even a noise from 9:45pm to 6:45am. And I think the only reason the started stirring at 6:45 is because the heard Christian up getting ready for work. I think adding solids may have helped us!

I tried the girls in their booster/high chairs this morning and they did really well. Emma seems to do better in it than the bumbo. I think it's because the back is a little higher. She still has some work to do to make her head a little steadier when sitting up.

We finished with our green beans and have backed up to try rice cereal for a few days. Then, I think we're going to try sweet potato. Yum.


MNjen said...

Way to go girls! Thats a huge milestone! :)

monica said...

Wow - STTN Very great! Keep up the good work girls!