Sunday, August 17, 2008

Babies LOVE their daddy!

Christian came and stayed with us last night. It's amazing how much better I slept with him in the room. The babies will now kick their daddy upon command. It's absolutely adorable. He lays his head on baby A and says "okay, baby A, this is daddy...give me a kick" and it works! I think they know how much he loves them and they know he's the one that reads stories to them every night... the only way they can show him their love is with their tiny kicks. We can also see them moving around now in my belly!

All else is good so far... remaining stable. I've accepted that this is where I need to be right now, but I am excited to go home Tuesday! I did have a tiny scare today during my non-stress test today. I guess one of the babies was not being as responsive as they would have liked. They hooked me up again later and said everything was good. They did mention uterine irritablity again. I guess it's like a bunch of mini-contractions. I'm going to get more info from the doctor about that tomorrow. I know they mentioned this the day I was admitted.

1 comment:

shawna said...

I am so glad that they are hanging in there. Every day counts! You hang in there too.