Monday, September 8, 2008

It's time to let him go

I can't believe I just typed that. Our lil' Giger is getting worse. He doesn't even want to be cuddled anymore which he always LOVED. He's been sleeping in the bathroom sink for 2 days and has only been eating a tiny bit once a day. He's only 8 years old. At least we got a few months with him after his renal failure and heart murmur diagnosis.

This on top of our kids in the NICU, me worried about my job and all this time off and my hormones make for a lot of tears.

Please pray that our lil' guy finds peace and that this is the best thing for him. I have no idea how I'm going to say goodbye to him. Every time I think about it I end up bawling. It's awful that we had to make a decision like this. I know Emma and Mady would have loved him as much as we do.

We'll probably take him in before the weekend. To anyone that has had to put an animal down, you are all so brave and strong!


Christi said...

I'm so sorry Loree. I just put my dog of 18 years down in January, it was the most difficult thing. But, it really is the best if he's suffering and not eating. Take care, you've got alot going on.

nora said...

loree, i am so sorry. i work at a vet, and really truly you are doing the very best thing. there is obviously no turning back from renal failure, and it only gets worse. it is one of the saddest things i ever see an animal go though. i know from experience how tough that decision is, but a peaceful, kind end is the best gift you can give your sweet kitty. i'll be thinking of you